About Us
Finding Inspiration in Every Turn
I'm proud to say that I am a Navy Mum,
and honoured to be part of the Royal Navy Family.
I am delighted to have designed and produced our Sailors cap travel case© for the safe keeping of our sailors cap and ships Talley's, Medals, the special things from travelling & a Wonderful Career.
Shine a Light 75© is a fully Patented product.
I designed the Cap Case as I was amazed my Son who is a current serving Royal Navy Sailor, kept his Cap in the Cardboard box they were given at Raleigh when they passed out, and with his input, I had my design.
The Travel Cap case is a great gift to those Sailors passing out at Raleigh and embarking on their new careers, and a great gift for all our serving Sailors, & past Sailors for keeping their precious things in one place on Base, On ship, or at home.
We are now pleased to produce these Cap Cases for the Royal Air force & Army.
We use on our cases Official Licensed Products and Patented Product ©shinealight75.com 2020 All Rights Reserved
My Amazing Shine a Light 75 the name was created in lock-down 2020 and is to the memory to the ships shining their search lights to the Sky my son was lucky to be the sailor on the Bridge that sounded the horn in memory, the picture on our Home page is his ship and their search light high into the night sky in memory... I am a very proud Navy Mum.
8th May 2020
When VE Day dawns on 8th May 2020 it will be 75 years since the guns fell silent at the end of the war in Europe.
I Had my Name Shine a Light 75.
Our Story
The Cap Case is the first product to be designed and produced by
“Shine a Light 75” for our current serving and past Royal Navy Sailors.
The case has been carefully designed for safe Cap travel for the duration of our Sailors career, from their Passing Out parade, then onto all the destinations that they will travel throughout their illustrious career, collecting the special mementos of a life in the Royal Navy along the way.
From the first Cap and Tally awarded to them at Raleigh along with Dress Collar scarf, the black velvet and the rope.
Our Cap Case is also designed for our Wrens Caps and All SR Caps.
All can be stored safely and conveniently in the “Shine a light 75 case”
We are now delighted to have on Board the Royal Air Force & Army Cases.
The “Shine a Light 75” case will help to build a complete story that will one day become part of a family’s proud history